Tips to Help You Improve Your Kata
Here are some great tips we’ve gathered which should help you to improve your Kata.
Make sure you don’t look at the kata as a whole as this can be very overwhelming - it is essential to break it down into individual movements. After all, a kata is nothing more than connecting all of these individual movements into a single group.
Look at each movement and the understand the reason behind it. Is it a defensive reaction? A form of attack? How does it flow into the next one or the one before
17th Oct 2019
Advice around personal safety in public
Reports of incidents where suspicious individuals have been reported approaching school students in public appear too frequently in our media. Some of these reports have been found to not be suspicious, but others remain concerning.With this in mind, it is timely to provide some advice to students/young people – both boys and girls – who are walking to or from school, training or in public areas at other times. With all of this considered, New Zealand is still one of the safest countries in the
9th Jul 2019
Mental Strength
In his book ‘Wado-Ryu’ karate, Hironori Otsuka tells us that there are three kinds of strength - Physical Strength, Technical Strength and Mental Strength - and if any of those is deficient it will be “ the downfall of the individual “. It’s a common misconception throughout the martial arts that ‘technique’ is the key; if we have good technique then we will be effective in combat. The fact is that technique is no more or less important than physical fitness or mental conditioning. Many martial
11th Jul 2016
Breathing Training for Martial Artists
One of the most important aspects of martial arts training is proper breathing. However, for practitioners of hard styles, effective breathing methods are often left to the students to figure out on their own. The central principle of breathing is of internal cleansing, getting rid of that which is old, worn out, and stale, and exchanging it for what is new, fresh, and energized. During inhalation we are bringing in fresh oxygen, nutrients, and vital energy. During exhalation we are expelling
22nd Jun 2016
Dojo Kun
Dojo kun is a term literally meaning (training hall) rules. They are generally posted at the entrance to dojo or at the "front" of the dojo (shomen) and outline behaviour expected and disallowed. In some styles of martial arts they are recited at the beginning or end of a class.
Varying translations and interpretations of the dojo kun exist. Each translation differs in the terms used and the interpretations vary regarding the philosophical depth, meaning, and intention.
The population of
19th Apr 2016